Frequently Asked New York City Trip Planning Questions

As a traveler visiting New York City, it takes a lot of time to figure out the right experiences. If it's your first time visiting New York, there’s a lot of questions you have might have while you’re planning your trip and doing research.

April 5, 2023

Frequently Asked New York City Trip Planning Questions

If you’re reading this, you’re probably planning a trip to New York City within the next few months. Most people who read our blogs are doing research to figure out what things to do in NYC, where to stay in NYC, and where to find the best restaurants or places to eat in New York City. As a traveler visiting New York City, it takes a lot of time to figure out the right experiences. If it's your first time visiting New York, there’s a lot of questions you have might have while you’re planning your trip and doing research:

1. How do I know the information is accurate for my travel dates?

2. How do I know the recommendation is right for me, given my travel style?

3. Whats the best way to get around New York City without a car?

We know it’s a lot to think about. That’s why we created this service and this blog post is all about the questions we get about our service. Khonsu consists of local New Yorkers who share their knowledge about NYC with travelers to help them explore the city. We build plans for our customers as if they are our personal friends or family visiting the city and staying with us. We listen to what our customers want, provide recommendations based on what we know and include any transportation tips. Whether you’re planning for 1 day or 7 we’ll help you make the most of your time in the city.

Our service is different. We don’t share generic recommendations, we tailor recommendations to each traveler’s unique interests. We know that everyone's travel style is specific to them. If you want a specific recommendation based on your unique travel style, request a tailored plan. Our team creates custom tailored plans for travelers based on the things they love most. Tell us your must-see attractions, favorite foods, and the days you’re in New York City, and our team will build a hand-crafted plan that matches your profile.

Custom New York City Trip Planning
Custom NYC Trip Planning

Ok,  to the questions …

1. What is Khonsu?

Khonsu is a travel assistance company. The name Khonsu is taken from an Egyptian god, who was thought to assist travelers during their journey at night. You can read more about the Khonsu on the Wikipedia page here.

Khonsu is also depicted in the Marvel TV show Moon Knight. Marvel spells the name Khonsu with an extra h (Khonshu) to help with pronunciation.

2. What can Khonsu help me with?

Khonsu uses a team of local experts along with state of art AI to ensure that your plan is perfect for you. All Khonsu team members must currently live in NYC, have lived in NYC for at least 5 years, and have previous work or school experience in NYC prior to joining the team. We do this to ensure all recommendations have deep local knowledge of NYC.

3. Why should I trust Khonsu to plan my trip?

Khonsu uses a team of local experts along with state of art AI to ensure that your plan is perfect for you. All Khonsu team members must currently live in NYC, have lived in NYC for at least 5 years, and have previous work or school experience in NYC prior to joining the team. We do this to ensure all recommendations have deep local knowledge of NYC.

4. Does Khonsu plan experiences/itineraries in other boroughs besides Manhattan?

New York City consists of 5 boroughs. (Think of a borough as a smaller city inside NYC). The 5 boroughs are: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Staten Island. Long Island and Westchester are close to New York City but they are not boroughs. New Jersey is a state the borders New York City. Our plans include activities within the 5 boroughs. We include activities in the surrounding area of the 5 boroughs but we do not provide restaurant recommendations those areas.

5. Does Khonsu serve any other locations besides NYC?

As of 2023, we only serve New York City but we do have plans to expand to other cities. If there is a city you would like us to support, contact us at and let us know! We’d love to hear from you.

6. How much does Khonsu cost?

Khonsu customized trip plans are available as a one time flat fee, listed on our trip planning page here. Check out our sample plans here.

Custom New York City Trip Planning
Custom NYC Trip Planning

7. Why should I use Khonsu vs. planning my own trip?

Using Khonsu to plan your trip to New York City saves you time and gets you access to real time local knowledge. Every Khonsu trip consultant who builds plans has lived in New York City for at least 5 years, currently lives in New York City and has assisted with at least 20 plans before responding to customers. 

New York City changes all the time. Each month there are new restaurants, attractions and events. Our team includes things to do, places to eat and transportation tips in New York City to give you time back.

8. Does Khonsu assist with making reservations/bookings?

We make reservations for special occasions (birthdays / anniversary dinner) if requested. Customers make & manage their own reservations needed but prefer our customers make their own reservations so they have direct access to the venue in case plans change during the trip. Our goal is to save you time planning your trip. The way you spend your time is up to you.

9. I'm an NYC local, can Khonsu help me?

Of course. New York City locals use our service all the time when they have guests visiting and they don’t want to spend the time to plan activities for them. As a locals, we know the challenge figuring out the best activities for guests. If you live here, you probably avoid all the attractions that tourists want to visit, like Summit One, Statue Of Liberty, Times Square and Top Of The Rock.

Our plans save you and your guests time planning the best day & time to visit top NYC attractions, museums and go to popular restaurants.

10. Does Khonsu provide in-person tour guide services?

We do not provide in-person tours, but we do work with local tour operators. We have a list of popular New York City tours on our website here. There are lots of different types of tours to choose. Food tours, neighborhood tours, bus tours, boat tours, If you would like a specific type of tour of a New York City area, tell your trip consultant during the plan creation process and they will include a recommendation that matches your trip plans.

11. How far in advance can Khonsu help me plan my itinerary?

We suggest starting as early as possible to secure the best reservations. Restaurants in New York City are in high demand, especially the most popular ones. Some are fully booked 30 days in advance. The best way to enjoy the experience you’re dreaming of is to contact us at least 4 weeks in advance of your trip from our trip planner page here

If your trip is in less than 3 days, make sure to contact us after your purchase and ask us to expedite your custom plan. Our contact details are provided on the receipt.

Custom New York City Trip Planning
Custom NYC Trip Planning

12. How do I know Khonsu will be able to build a plan that fits my travel style?

Our team consists of local New York City based trip consultants. Every Khonsu trip consultant has at least 5 years of NYC residence experience plus access to our network of hotel operators, broadway reviews, restaurant finder and attraction notes. Our team works with you to understand your needs then leverages our system to help you plan the experiences you’re looking for.

13. How does Khonsu build a custom plan?

Each of our plans go through 3 drafts in collaboration with our customers before they’re complete:

Draft 1: NYC activities grouped by day. If you have a bucket list, provide it to your trip consultant early. They will use your list & provide any recommendations you ask for to create the first draft. 

Draft 2: Activities listed by time of day. This draft helps you figure out how busy your day is, and the order of activities for the day. 

Draft 3: Any reservations or tickets required in advance are listed along with transportation tips.

14. What if I want to make a change to my plan?

Talk to your trip consultant. If they are in the middle of building your drafts they will make updates to the next version. If you’re in the city and change your mind, just go somewhere else. The time is yours and it’s your decision how you spend it.

15. Will a Khonsu tailored plan lock me into activities?

No, Khonsu customized plans do not lock you into any activities. The time is yours and it’s your decision how you spend your time in NYC. Our plans group your activities to save you time planning your trip and help you maximize your time in one area of NYC so you’re not wasting time using public transportation.

16. How can I get in touch with Khonsu?

If you would like to contact us, send an email to We’re always happy to hear from guests.

Custom New York City Trip Planning
Custom NYC Trip Plan

Our team of trip consultants builds tailored plans for travelers from around the world visiting NYC. We’ve built a wide range of plans for family trips, anniversaries, birthdays, and other special occasions, even for solo travelers treating themselves. Each plan is built with a 3-step process: 

Step 1: Bucket your must-see attractions 

Step 2: Add in restaurants, rooftops & other hidden gems 

Step 3: Create a custom map and provide transportation tips, so you know the best way to navigate the city. 

Click here to have our team tailor your New York trip itinerary today or check out a few of our sample plans here.

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NYC Travel Planning Tools

Our service delivers tailored travel experiences, curated by locals. Saving customers time and allowing them to do more of the things they love.

Day Planner

Group activites based on location
Figure out where activities, attractions & restaurants are located
Save your plan and get real time subway directions in NYC
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Pre-Built Itineraries

Get 10 travel itineraries pre-built based on popular requests
Includes: 10 Hotels, 37 Attractions, 64 Restaurants, 39 Hidden Gems
Each itinerary comes with a downloadable digital map for transit directions
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Customized Itinerary

Local advice about activites & restaurants that match your travel style
A custom itinerary organized by area to maximize your time
Attraction pass recommendations to help you save money
Satisfaction Guarantee. If the itinerary is not tailored to your satisfaction receive a full refund.
Take a look at a sample
Custom itinerary based on your must do activities & dietary restrictions
Digital map for real time transit directions
Reservation assistance for select venues
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